Nutrition and Hormone Modulation Therapy and Supplementation
At CEMEL we have a multidisciplinary team to be able to advise on all doubts and problems related to nutrition such as overweight, obesity, anorexia, bulimia, malnutrition and food intolerances.

Medical Advice
The first thing we do is a clinical history and physical examination of the patient to diagnose the nutritional alteration. To do this, we carry out different tests, analyses and imaging tests. Once we have the diagnosis and we know what the patient needs, we carry out the different assessments and prescribe the necessary medicines or supplements that are personalised for each patient.

Nutritional Counselling
Proper nutrition plays an important role in the treatment and prevention of various diseases and nutritional disorders.
Psychological counselling
Fundamental in the creation and motivation of healthy habits in patients with psychological disorders.
Sports Consultancy
Physical activity plays a key role in correcting and maintaining the beneficial results achieved.
Reductive Mesotherapy
It consists of injecting pharmacological substances into the subdermal space in small amounts to increase basal metabolism.
Gastric Balloon
The gastric balloon, also known as an intragastric balloon, is a soft, flexible silicone sphere that is inserted into the stomach by the patient in order to achieve weight reduction in obese people.
- Time: 4 Hours
- Anaesthesia: General
- Hospitalisation: 24 - 48 hours
- Recovery: 1 week
- Results: 1 month